Remote business meetings are an essential aspect of effective virtual communication. It is important to keep your employees interested in meetings, whether you have a distributed team or those who work from home.

To help you conduct better remote business meetings we’ve compiled a list of the best practices and suggestions. By adhering to some basic manners of meeting and taking the appropriate steps following the meeting, you can boost your productivity and ensure that your remote employees are on track to complete their tasks within the deadlines you have set.

Start by breaking the ice. In remote meetings, icebreakers or other fun exercises for employee engagement will encourage participants to share their opinions and take part more freely. This can help build strong bonds between your team members which is a vital element of a happy and productive workplace.

You must accept your role as facilitator. The key to a successful remote meeting is active facilitation. Use your voice or screen share to get the attention of participants. Be descriptive in your vocabulary so that your team members can comprehend your arguments.

End your meetings on time. People have shorter attention spans than ever before, and a shorter scheduled meeting with a well-planned agenda that is well-organized is more productive than an entire meeting that is filled with nonsense.

After your remote meetings are finished, send a summary to everyone who attended. Include a breakdown of each discussion topic, and indicate the person responsible for each step. This will provide your team with an easy reference point to the information from the meeting and help them stay on track to complete their work by the given date.

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