Network proxy settings Windows 10 are used to direct all internet traffic to a central server, rather than going directly to the internet. This is common in companies and schools as it can help protect against malicious attacks enhance security and provide faster connections. This could result in users not being able to be connected to the internet if the proxy is down or not configured. This is a simple problem to resolve. This article will go over various options to fix the “Windows cannot detect the settings of a network proxy” error in Windows 10. This article will explore several different methods to fix the “Windows can’t detect the settings for a network proxy” error in Windows 10.

Open the Control Panel and click on Network and Internet. Then click on Internet Options. When the Internet Options dialog opens, ensure that Use a Proxy Server is not selected. If you’re connected to a corporate or school network, make sure you check with your system administrator to see what the preferred settings for proxy should be.

If you’re unable to change your network settings via the Settings app or the old Internet Options dialog box, it’s possible that another software is interfering with them. Try switching off your firewall, VPN and antivirus software one at a moment until you determine the one that’s creating the issue. If none of this works, try restoring your system from a point that was created prior to the problem. This will bring your system back to its state prior to the problem onset and will remove any drivers or programs that may be causing them.

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