Remote business meetings have become more common as workplaces have become more flexible. The ability to work anywhere in the world has opened up the workforce to a much more diverse pool of talent ever before, including those who may not be able to commute to work due to physical disabilities or family obligations.

There are a number of challenges when working remotely that can cause frustration, disengagement and ultimately a decline in productivity. Meetings can take a long time because of scheduling issues, time zone differences or technical problems. It is often difficult for employees to concentrate on their work after a long meeting.

It’s crucial to use the right tools and manners to ensure your remote meeting goes without a hitch. This includes using video to show all the people in the room. It also includes following meeting etiquette, such as being punctual and not answering emails during a remote conference taking place. It is also important to send an overview of the meeting to participants afterward so they can track action items and next steps.

It’s important to establish trust with remote workers and ensure they feel valued. This can be done by beginning each remote meeting by engaging in some small talk such as asking employees how they’re doing or what they’ve been up to in their lives. This is especially helpful for those who are new to the job or who feel a sense of loneliness and a sense of isolation working remotely.

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